0330 236 6522
Postal Address
South Down House, Station Road, Petersfield, Hampshire, GU32 3ET, United Kingdom
Registration Details
UmbHost Limited is a registered company in England & Wales number 13442798. VAT Registration Number 385 4185 68.
Please note our support hours over Christmas and New Year are as follows:
Wednesday 18th: Closed
Monday 23rd: Closed
Tuesday 24th: Closed
Wednesday 25th: Closed
Thursday 26th: Closed
Friday 27th: Closed
Monday 30th: Closed
Tuesday 31st: Closed
Wednesday 1st: Closed
Please note our support hours are as follows:
Sales: Monday-Friday 9am-9pm*
Accounts: Monday-Friday 9am-9pm*
Tech Support: Monday-Friday 9am-9pm*
Out of hours tech support is available on request at our hourly rate
*The timezone is either GMT or BST depending on which is currently being observed by the United Kingdom